Home Introducing Althaia: a speedy Marshmallow fork

Introducing Althaia: a speedy Marshmallow fork

Althaia is a drop-in replacement for the #1 Python serialization library - marshmallow. It is also a shallow fork of marshmallow, basically using the entire marshmallow source with a few patches to speed up the dump operations.

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$ pip install althaia
# patch python's sys.meta_path to allow althaia to handle all marshmallow imports
import althaia
# use marshmallow as if nothing changed, except now it's 45% faster
from marshmallow import Schema

class ConquestOfBread(Schema):
    # etc...


A while back at work, we ran into some performance issues with a few endpoints while dumping some mildly large datasets. This was quite surprising because these were just regular JSON objects with fairly common fields. Additionally, we’re not talking about millions or even billions of rows, just somewhere in the range of 5k-20k query results (so far).

Upon further inspection, we realised the problem was marshmallow, and not our own code. This is a surprise, to be sure, but an unwelcome one. Sadly, there was no time to do anything about it as the project had to be done on schedule, so we simply worked around the issue as best as we could.

However, this continued to bug me privately - why is it so inefficient? While attempting to work around this performance problem, I attempted to find an alternative serialization library, one that could easily replace marshmallow. One of the first results you get when you try to find something like that is the Python Serialization Benchmark page, which lists most relevant serialisation libraries, and some lesser-known ones.

While going through the list, I realised that all the alternatives lack some of the key features marshmallow offers, most notably dynamic schemas, but also the entire ecosystem of validators and helper libraries that surrounds marshmallow. Not to mention the fact that we had a somewhat mature project on our hands, and reimplementing everything we did with marshmallow with some of the more obscure libraries is a rather dubious endeavor resource-wise, even if we had proof that it can be done.

There was no other way to find out what’s happening than to fire up cProfile, more specifically line_profiler, and try to figure out why marshmallow was underperforming. It didn’t take long to figure out that the culprits were Schema.get_attribute() and Field.serialize().

The Problem

These two methods are at the core of marshmallow’s dumping operations, and their fatal flaw is doing what is considered a semi-joke definition of madness: doing the same operation over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. In other words, for each object in a collection that is being dumped, marshmallow is trying to get the field configuration, in addition to the field value.

At first glance, this is a reasonable thing to do; for example, you have to figure out how to behave when a field is missing in the source object. The problem arises when you’re dumping somewhat large collections of objects, where marshmallow is going to try to detect how to behave for each field and each object in the collection. If you’re dumping a collection of 10k objects, and a single object has 15 fields, that’s 150k(!) lookups. In addition, if you take into consideration that each lookup involves multiple deep-level calls all around the inheritance tree, things get very slow very quickly (pun intended obviously).

The Solution(s)

So I wanted to (try to) do two things:

  • See if we can somehow figure out some things only once while dumping a collection
  • Compile everything with Cython and see if it makes any difference

As it turns out, both things were possible, and they bring about a significant performance improvement! The initial version of “first item” fixes were submitted to marshmallow repo as PR #1649, where I also discovered that this problem was already discussed in detail in issue #805.

Additionally, to compile marshmallow with Cython, I needed to change some of the type hints. What’s weird about those is that type and typing.Type[type] are supposed to be equivalent, but apparently the compiler doesn’t think so.

How does it perform?

According to the “official” tests from the marshmallow repo, the two fixes above shave off about 45% of execution time (~35% coming for the code changes, ~10% coming from the Cython compilation). For large(-ish) datasets, this is quite significant.

Compared to Toasted Marshmallow, Althaia seems to perform slightly worse, but I still need to run proper benchmarks and contribute a PR to the Serialization Benchmarks repo (the initial run is already visible in the README.md). The problem with Toasted is that it requires client-side code changes to use, and the fact that it is stuck on using marshmallow v2, which is quite old right now and already outperformed by marshmallow v3+. Not to mention that it doesn’t support dotted syntax and other goodies. Althaia maintains full compatibility with marshmallow, with nearly the same gains as when using Toasted.

Note: The benchmarks in Python Serialization Benchmark are a bit fishy: it looks like Toasted Marshmallow is overwriting the marshmallow installation, so the results for it are severely misrepresented by testing the version installed by Toasted. Let’s compare the numbers (all values are usec/dump from the official benchmark):

Toasted (base/v2)Toasted (optimized)Latest MarshmallowAlthaia

The first two numbers are taken from the Toasted readme, while the last two are local benchmarks. Obviously, Toasted base marshmallow is very slow compared to the latest release. The entire repo may require a rewrite to compare each library in a separate environment.

Surprisingly (but also maybe not), running Althaia on PyPy with the cython-compiled modules actually reduces performance by a very significant amount, so the compilation step has been disabled for PyPy installations. The code optimisations improve the performance on their own by about 15% (79.85 vs 68.38 usec/dump), quite a bit less than the average 45% gain on CPython.

How does it work?

The final implementation is actually fairly simple, we use the upstream marshmallow as a git submodule, copy all the sources and change all the namespaces from marshmallow to althaia.marshmallow, and then apply our patches (from the patches/ folder). Then we compile everything with Cython, and build all the various binary wheels. Source install will require cython to compile the modules locally, and while it’s not the slowest thing in the world, you will notice it. Contributions for more pre-built wheels are welcome.

Closing notes

I’ve never built or maintained a python package, let alone a cython variant. So there were a few gotchas worth noting:

  • Publishing packages on PyPI is a potential minefield if you’re not careful - once you publish a package, it cannot be updated, replaced, or otherwise modified. Clearly, that makes sense for many reasons (security being a major factor), but it may not be obvious to a new user. Luckily, there is https://test.pypi.org where you can experiment before doing the real thing.

  • Creating a non-trivial Python package is convoluted. Somewhat replicating the experience of this reddit rant, when you start looking into it, you can get easily distracted: setup.py, setup.cfg, distutils, setuptools, cython, cffi, PyPA build, …

    relevant xkcd
    Relevant xkcd

    Luckily, things are greatly simplified by using pyproject.toml, PEP 517, and Poetry - probably the nicest tool you’ll find in this whole mess.

  • Building manylinux (et al.) wheels is also a tricky task on its own, but luckily there is cibuildwheel which helps a lot. However, even that doesn’t solve everything if you have a custom build/test scripts, like Althaia has, which is painfully obvious in the [tool.cibuildwheel] section(s) of pyproject.toml.

  • If you plan on using the previously mentioned PEP 517 frontend for your custom builds, do not name your build script build.py, or suddenly you won’t be able to actually produce a wheel. The reason is, of course, that python -m build is now running your build.py, and not the PyPA build frontend.

  • Attempting to compile __init__.py with cython on Windows will get you some weird looks from the linker due to some bullshit historical reasons. The issue is marked as fixed, but it’s not fixed in the cython version published on PyPI.

  • If you have a slow task which is CPU-bound, good luck trying to do it concurrently under CPython, and working around the Global Interpreter Lock.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.